Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Almost All About Waves

This text considers waves the great unifying concept of physics. With minimal mathematics, it emphasizes the behavior common to phenomena such as earthquake waves, ocean waves, sound waves, and mechanical waves. Topics include velocity, vector and complex representation, energy and momentum, coupled modes, polarization, diffraction, and radiation. 1974 edition.


Luminescence: From Theory to Applications

In this, the only up-to-date book on this key technology, the number-one expert in the field perfectly blends academic knowledge and industrial applications. Adopting a didactical approach, Professor Ronda discusses all the underlying principles, such that both researchers as well as beginners in the field will profit from this book. The focus is on the inorganic side and the phenomena of luminescence behind the manifold applications illustrated here, including displays, LEDs, lamps, and medical applications.
Valuable reading for chemists and electrochemists, as well as materials scientists, those working in the optical and chemical industry, plus lamp and lighting manufacturers.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dictionary of Pure and Applied Physics By Dipak Basu

Clear, precise definitions of scientific terms are crucial to good scientific and technical writing-and to understanding the writings of others. Whether you are a physicist, engineer, mathematician, or technical writer, whether you work in a research, academic, or industrial setting, we all have the occasional need for comprehensible, working definitions of scientific terms. To meet that need, CRC Press proudly announces publication of the Dictionary of Pure and Applied Physics-the first published volume of CRC's Comprehensive Dictionary of Physics. Authored by eminent scientists from around the world, offers concise, authoritative definitions of more than 3,000 terms covering a range of pure and applied disciplines: acoustics biophysics communications electricity electronics geometrical optics low-temperature physics magnetism medical physics physical optics The editor has taken care to ensure each entry is as self-contained as possible, to include terms from the frontiers of technology, and to omit obsolete terms that can clutter a search. The result is a lucid, accessible, and convenient reference valuable to both the novice and the seasoned professional.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fiber Optics Handbook: Fiber, Devices, and Systems for Optical Communications

Fiber optics is the hottest topic in communications and this
book from the world's leading experts clearly lays out all the details of
optical communications engineering* Essential technical guide and solutions kit
for the super-fast, super-broad fiber systems and devices powering the
fastest-growing communications infrastructure* Methods for generating above peak
performance* Clear explanations and answers to tough challenges for WDM, DWDM,
amplifiers, solitons, and other key technologies

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Practical Fiber Optics

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Nonlinear Fiber Optics (Optics and Photonics) 3 edition

The Optical Society of America (OSA) and SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering have awarded Govind Agrawal with an honorable mention for the Joseph W. Goodman Book Writing Award for his work on Nonlinear Fiber Optics, 3rd edition.
Nonlinear Fiber Optics, 3rd Edition, provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the nonlinear phenomena occurring inside optical fibers. It retains most of the material that appeared in the first edition, with the exception of Chapter 6, which is now devoted to the polarization effects relevant for light propagation in optical fibers. The contents include such important topics as self- and cross-phase modulation, stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering, four-wave mixing, modulation instability, and optical solutons. A proper understanding of these topics is essential for scientists and engineers interested in various aspects of lightwave technology.
Such an ambitious objective increased the size of the book to the extent that it was necessary to create a separate but complimentary book, Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics, which is devoted to applications in the domain of lightwave technology.
This revised edition of Nonlinear Fiber Optics should serve well the needs of the scientific community including graduate students in Optics, Physics, and Electrical Engineering, engineers in the optical communication industry, and scientists working in fiber optics and nonlinear optics.

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Philip's Atlas of the Universe

Now in its 5th edition, this best-selling reference book is a must for amateur astronomers. Written by Sir Patrick Moore, Britain's best-known astronomer, it is a classic and highly readable account of the stars, the planets and the Universe, together with practical advice on observing the night sky. This fully revised new edition has been updated to include the latest information and images from the current space missions, including Cassini. It is illustrated with hundreds of colour pictures, including spectacular photographs from ground-and space-based telescopes. It also contains a complete atlas of the constellations.



The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Story of the Solar System

The bodies of our Solar System have orbited continously around the Sun since their formation, but they have not always been there, and conditions have not always been as they are today. The Story of the Solar System explains how our Solar System came into existence, how it has evolved and how it might end billions of years from now. After a brief historical introduction, Mark Garlick describes the birth of the Sun and the steps that built up the bodies of the Solar System. Vivid illustrations of planets, moons, asteroids and comets complement the detailed descriptions. A comparison of these objects, and an analysis of how they have changed and evolved since birth is followed by a look towards the end of the Solar System's existence. Mark A. Garlick obtained his PhD in astrophysics from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory in Surrey, England. He is a member of the International Association of Astronomical Artists, and currently works as a freelance science writer and astronomical illustrator

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Discovering the Solar System

In Discovering the Solar System you will meet the Sun, the planets, their satellites, and the host of smaller bodies that orbit the Sun. On a cosmic scale the Solar System is on our doorstep, but it is far from fully explored, and there continues to be a flood of new data and new ideas. The science of the Solar System is thus a fast-moving subject, posing a major challenge for authors of textbooks.
Discovering the Solar System, Second Edition covers the sun, the planets, their satellites and the host of smaller bodies that orbit the sun. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject for science students, and examines the discovery, investigation and modelling of these bodies. Following a thematic approach, chapters cover interiors, surfaces and the atmospheres of major bodies, including the earth. The book starts with an overview of the solar system and its origin, and then takes a look at small bodies, such as asteroids, comets and meteorites.



Planetary Science: The Science of Planets Around Stars

Assuming no prior knowledge of astrophysics or geophysics, this resource focuses on the structure of planets and the stars they orbit and the interactions between them. The book is written in two parts, making it suitable for students at different levels and from differing backgrounds. The first twelve chapters reveal our solar system and the diverse bodies it contains. These are followed by 42 detailed topics that discuss specialized subjects, from stellar formation to exobioloy, in a quantitative manner-essential reading for those in higher level courses. Problems and answers are also included.



Understanding the Universe: From Quarks to the Cosmos

The Big Bang, the birth of the universe, was a singular event. All of the matter of the universe was concentrated at a single point, with temperatures so high that even the familiar protons and neutrons of atoms did not yet exist, but rather were replaced by a swirling maelstrom of energy, matter and antimatter. Exotic quarks and leptons flickered briefly into existence, before merging back into the energy sea.This book explains the fascinating world of quarks and leptons and the forces that govern their behavior. Told from an experimental physicist's perspective, it forgoes mathematical complexity, using instead particularly accessible figures and apt analogies. In addition to the story of quarks and leptons, which are regarded as well-accepted fact, the author who is a leading researcher at the world's highest energy particle physics laboratory also discusses mysteries on both the experimental and theoretical frontier, before tying it all together with the exciting field of cosmology and indeed the birth of the universe itself.

Quarks Leptons and the Big Bang

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Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe

A baffling array of science books claim to reveal how the mysteries of the universe have been discovered, but Simon Singh's Big Bang actually delivers on that promise. General readers will find it to be among the very best books dealing with cosmology, because Singh follows the same plan he used in his brilliant Code Book: he puts people--not equations--first in the story. By linking the progression of the Big Bang theory with the scientists who built it up bit by bit, Singh also uncovers an important truth about how such ideas grow.
Death is an essential element in the progress of science, since it takes care of conservative scientists of a previous generation reluctant to let go of an old, fallacious theory and embrace a new and accurate one.
As harsh as this statement seems, even Einstein defended an outmoded idea about the universe when an unknown interloper published equations challenging the great man. Einstein didn't have to die for cosmology to move forward (he reluctantly apologized for being wrong), but stories like this one show how difficult it can sometimes be for new theories to take root. Fred Hoyle, who coined the term "big bang" as a way to ridicule the idea of a universe expanding from some tiny origin point, strongly believed that the cosmos was in a steady state. But Singh shows how Hoyle's research, meant to prove the contrary, added evidence to the expansion model. Big Bang is also a history of astronomical observation, describing the development of new telescopes that were crucial to the development of cosmology. Handwritten summary notes at the end of each long chapter add a charming, classroom feel to this revealing and very readable book. --Therese Littleton
From Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. It was cosmologist Fred Hoyle who coined the term "big bang" to describe the notion that the universe exploded out of nothing to kick-start space and time. Ironically, Hoyle himself espoused the steady state theory, positing that the universe is eternal and never really changes. Former BBC producer and science writer Singh (Fermat's Enigma) recounts in his inimitable down-to-earth style how the big bang theory triumphed. Readers will find here one of the best explanations available of how Cepheid stars are used to estimate the distance of other galaxies. Singh highlights some of the lesser-known figures in the development of the big bang theory, like Henrietta Leavitt, a volunteer "computer" at the Harvard College Observatory who in 1912 discovered how Cepheid stars can be used to measure galactic distances. Singh shows how the creation of the heavier elements was a major stumbling block to widespread adoption of the big bang until Hoyle (once again boosting the theory that he so fervently opposed) proved that they were created in stars' nuclear furnaces and strewn throughout the universe via supernova explosions. Readers who don't need a review of the early development of cosmology may wish that Singh had adopted a somewhat less leisurely pace. But his introductory chapters hold a lot of worthwhile material, clearly presented for the science buff and lay reader. There's no better account of the big bang theory than this.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our Place in the Universe

Our Place in the Universe tells the story of our world, formation of the first galaxies and stars formed from great clouds containing the primordial elements made in the first few minutes; birth of stars, their lives and deaths in fiery supernova explosions; formation of the solar system, its planets and many moons; life on Earth, its needs and vicissitudes on land and in the seas; finally exoplanets, planets that surround distant stars. Interspersed in the text are short pieces on some of those who revealed these wonders to us. It is written in a very authoritative and readable form and contains more than 100 color prints of the marvelous galaxies, and nebula that have been taken from space-based and land-based telescopes carried by NASA missions, the European Space Agency, the European Southern Laboratory in Chile and many other sources.
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The Creation of the Universe

This lively and authoritative survey by an internationally famous physicist offers captivating perspectives on the origins of the galaxies, stars, chemical elements, and planetary systems. Illustrated with diagrams and the author's own drawings, it explains complex concepts in a simple manner. "Fascinating." - San Francisco Chronicle. 40 figures. 1961 edition.
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The Story of the Solar System

The bodies of our Solar System have orbited continously around the Sun since their formation, but they have not always been there, and conditions have not always been as they are today. The Story of the Solar System explains how our Solar System came into existence, how it has evolved and how it might end billions of years from now. After a brief historical introduction, Mark Garlick describes the birth of the Sun and the steps that built up the bodies of the Solar System. Vivid illustrations of planets, moons, asteroids and comets complement the detailed descriptions. A comparison of these objects, and an analysis of how they have changed and evolved since birth is followed by a look towards the end of the Solar System's existence. Mark A. Garlick obtained his PhD in astrophysics from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory in Surrey, England. He is a member of the International Association of Astronomical Artists, and currently works as a freelance science writer and astronomical illustrator.
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Beyond Pluto

Exactly what is beyond Pluto? Why, in the last ten years, has the Solar System more than doubled in size? For the first time, in almost two centuries, an entirely new population of planetary objects has been found that may well explain these two questions. This newly discovered realm of minor planets, now known as the "Kuiper Belt," has reconceptualized our understanding of how the Solar System was formed and has finally given ontological explanations for the enigmatic outer planet Pluto. Beyond Pluto is the fascinating story of how a group of theoretical physicists decided that there must be a population of unknown bodies beyond Pluto and how a small band of astronomers set out to find them. Acclaimed scientist John K. Davies recounts how they predicted the existence of these planetary bodies, how they were eventually discovered, and how Pluto was named. In addition, Davies provides biographies of the astronomers who discovered these new worlds and information on the telescopes they used. John K. Davies is a support scientist for the UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) atop the dormant volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii. He holds PhDs in chemistry and astronomy, discovered six comets while teaching at Leicester University in the UK, and was a member of the ISO-CAM team at the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh, Scotland. He has contributed to magazines such as Astronomy, New Scientist, Sky & Telescope, and Space. In 2000, a small main asteroid belt was named Johndavies in recognition of his numerous contributions to astronomy.
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Astronomy: Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition

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A Buyer's and User's Guide to Astronomical Telescopes & Binoculars

Both beginning/novice amateur astronomers (at the level of Astronomy and Night Sky magazine readers), as well as more advanced amateur astronomers (level of Sky & Telescope) will find this book invaluable and fascinating.
Amateur astronomers are always contemplating the "next telescope up" and this will point the way to the most suitable instrument to which they should aspire. Similarly, those who are buying their first telescope - and these days not necessarily a low-cost one - will be able to compare and contrast different types and makes.

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Black Holes, Wormholes & Time Machines

Time is a persistent theme in Jim Al-Khalili's account of modern physics. The book is based on a series of lectures that he gave to schoolchildren for the Institute of Physics, although it is also intended for adults. It aims to explain topics such as quantum mechanics, relativity, the big bang and black holes in a way that is accessible to the non-specialist. Mr Al-Khalili explains that time is thought to have started along with the universe in the big bang, about 15 billion years ago (for comparison, the sun is about halfway through its life of about 10 billion years). Time also has a direction: although most physical processes are reversible, there is roughly speaking a tendency (familiar to parents) for the world to become ever less organised.
However, time does not always flow at the same rate: travelling close to the speed of light or falling into a black hole slows the passage of time

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A Brief History of Time

Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history, wrote the modern classic A Brief History of Time to help nonscientists understand the questions being asked by scientists today: Where did the universe come from? How and why did it begin? Will it come to an end, and if so, how? Hawking attempts to reveal these questions (and where we're looking for answers) using a minimum of technical jargon. Among the topics gracefully covered are gravity, black holes, the Big Bang, the nature of time, and physicists' search for a grand unifying theory. This is deep science; these concepts are so vast (or so tiny) as to cause vertigo while reading, and one can't help but marvel at Hawking's ability to synthesize this difficult subject for people not used to thinking about things like alternate dimensions. The journey is certainly worth taking, for, as Hawking says, the reward of understanding the universe may be a glimpse of "the mind of God."
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A Universe of Atoms, An Atom in the Universe

The essays in this book are based on researches the author has undertaken on a wide range of topics, some using equipment no more elaborate than what one can find in an ordinary kitchen, others making elegant use of sophisticated experimental apparatus. Presenting a personal odyssey in physics, Silverman investigates processes for which no visualizable mechanism can be given, or that seem to violate fundamental physical laws (but do not), or that appear to be well understood but turn out to be subtly devious. Written in an engagingly personal style, the essays will be of interest to students of physics and related disciplines as well as professional physicists. Though they deal with subtle concepts, the discussions use little mathematics, and anyone with a little college physics will be able to read the book with pleasure. Silverman's researches deal with in quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, electromagnetism and optics, gravity, thermodynamics, and the physics of fluids, and these essays address .such questions as: How does one know that atomic electrons move? Would an "anti-atom" fall upward? How is it possible for randomly emitted particles to arrive at a detector preferentially in pairs? Can one influence electrons in London by not watching them in New York? Can a particle be influenced by a magnetic field through which it does not pass? A basketball is not changed by turning it once around its axis, but what about an electron? Can more light reflect from a surface than is incident upon it? "A Universe of Atoms" is the second edition of Silverman's "And Yet It Moves"; each essay in the earlier collection has been revised and updated, and some new essays on the uncommon physics of common objects have been added
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The History of the Laser

Since the invention of the first working laser in 1960, development of these devices has progressed at an unprecedented rate, to the extent that the laser is now a common part of everyday life, from the semiconductor laser used in CD players and telecommunication systems to the high power eximer lasers used in manufacturing processes. This book traces the history of the laser, from the first theoretical predictions of stimulated emission made in the 1920s, through the experimental development of masers and lasers in the 50s and 60s, to the advanced applications of lasers in the present day. Along the way it tells the fascinating and at times controversial story of the people behind the discoveries. Written in a style suitable for the general public, it will be of interest to those working within the laser community, and to anyone with an interest in the history of science.

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Laser Fundamentals

Simple explanations lead the reader logically from the basics of laser action to advanced topics in laser physics and engineering in this comprehensive introduction to the physical and engineering principles of laser operation and design. Direct explanations, examples, and many homework problems make this book invaluable to undergraduate and first-year graduate students taking courses on lasers. Summaries of key types of lasers, use of unique theoretical descriptions, and an extensive bibliography also recommend this volume to researchers.
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Principles of Lasers

This new Fourth Edition of Principles of Lasers is so thoroughly updated and expanded that it is virtually a whole new book. But the text's essential mission remains the same: to provide a wide-ranging yet unified description of laser behavior, physics, technology, and current applications. Dr. Svelto emphasizes the physical rather than the mathematical aspects of lasers, and presents the subject in the simplest terms compatible with a correct physical understanding.
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The Lucent Library of Science and Technology - Lasers

In 1960, when the first laser began to glow, a new era began for humanity. The light no one had ever seen suddenly began to change science fiction into science fact. This well-documented volumes traces the development of lasers and then examines modern uses for this supertool in industry, scientific research, communications, the military, medicine, and entertainment.

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The Lucent Library of Science and Technology - Telescopes

Ancient Greek and Egyptian scientists dreamed of viewing Earth's distant cousins scattered throughout the solar system but it was not until the early seventeenth century that telescopes made such dreams a reality. Simple telescopes provided the first extension of eyesight that shifted authority in the observation of the universe from men to instruments. Within a short time, telescopes defined the universe and ignited an interest in knowing the universe's origins and possibly even its eventual demise. Enormous improvements in telescopes in the twentieth century captured and focused the light from bodies billions of light years away. Newer ones even captured X-rays and Gamma rays that better defined the known universe. As the end of the century drew near, the Hubble telescope was launched into orbit to beam back the most dazzling photographs of the most distant bodies ever detected. Because of telescope improvements, astronomers have added a new quest in understanding the universe, the search for life beyond Earth.



The Lucent Library of Science and Technology - Comets and Asteroids

These cosmic objects - the leftovers of the formation of our solar system -- are the most plentiful bodies in that system. Covered in this fact-filled, up-to-date volume are how asteroids were first discovered, how asteroids and comets formed, their sizes, shapes and orbits, ongoing space flights to these bodies, plans to mine them for their valuable materials, and the very real threat of disaster caused by asteroids and comets impacting the Earth.

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- Provides a basic introduction to the topics covered in a beginning astronomy course, with an emphasis on problem-solving methods ordinarily taught "on the fly" or in ad-hoc tutorials - Closes the gap in student literature by providing a focused, comprehensive presentation of basic astronomical problem-solving techniques - Readers learn by example with the help of more than 200 detailed problems and step-by-step solutions, supplemented with over 100 detailed charts and graphs - Designed to accompany all leading 100-level astronomy textbooks, or to be used as a stand-alone guide for amateur stargazers

Introduction to Elementary Particles

This is the first quantitative treatment of elementary particle theory that is accessible to undergraduates. Using a lively, informal writing style, the author strikes a balance between quantitative rigor and intuitive understanding. The first chapter provides a detailed historical introduction to the subject. Subsequent chapters offer a consistent and modern presentation, covering the quark model, Feynman diagrams, quantum electrodynamics, and gauge theories. A clear introduction to the Feynman rules, using a simple model, helps readers learn the calculational techniques without the complications of spin. And an accessible treatment of QED shows how to evaluate tree-level diagrams. Contains an abundance of worked examples and many end-of-chapter problems.

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The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System

The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System begins by describing historical, i.e. pre-1950, theories and illustrating why they became unacceptable. The main part then critically examines five extant theories, including the current paradigm, the Solar Nebula Theory, to determine how well they fit with accepted scientific principles and observations.
A graduate-level tex outlining a succession of theories on the origin and evolution of the solar system, providing details gathered by modern astronomers that may be helpful in producing a plausible theory and giving new constraints that must be satisfied by a theory. Includes black and white illustrations.

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Modern Astronomy: Expanding the Universe

Astronomy poses many of the same questions that religion does, the deepest questions a human being can ask: What is the universe? How big is it? How did it begin? How will it end? What part do we play in it? Are we alone? Through most of history, in fact, astronomy was part of religion. The astronomers of ancient times usually were priests.
Astronomy in the 20th century changed humans' understanding as profoundly as Copernicus and Galileo did. At the start of the century, soon after George Ellery Hale, the first astronomer covered in this book, built his first large telescope, people thought the solar system was essentially at the center of the universe, much as people of Copernicus's time had believed the Earth was.



Galaxies and How to Observe Them

Galaxies are perhaps the most popular of all visual targets that are sought after by visual observers. At present the only way to get up-to-date information, is to query various (often highly technical) speciality books or digging deeply into the Internet. This can be a time consuming and often frustrating task, as the data aren't often compatible. This book satisfies the need for a modern, comprehensive review in combining the three major aspects: the physical background on the nature and data of galaxies, the relevant instrumentation and viewing techniques, and finally the targets and their individual appearance in telescopes of various apertures. To illustrate the latter, a comprehensive sample of galaxies, including quasars, groups and clusters of galaxies is presented. This combination of theoretical knowledge and practical information guarantees successful observing sessions. The book could become a standard source on galaxy observing for all kinds of amateur observers, from the beginner to the experienced.

Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia

The new Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia is a fully revised and expanded edition of Sir Patrick Moore's classic reference work, first published in 1987. in more than 3000 alphabetically organized articles and 600 photographs, star maps and explanatory diagrams, it covers everything and everyone from the Anglo-Australian observatory to Fritz Zwicy. The articles provides authoritative yet accessible information on subjects life in the universe, optical and radio telescopes, stars, black holes, astrophysics, observatories, astronomical photography, space programmes, the constellations and famous astronomical photography, space programmes.



Encyclopedia of the Solar System, Second Edition

Long before Galileo published his discoveries about Jupiter, lunar craters, and the Milky Way in the Starry Messenger in 1610, people were fascinated with the planets and stars around them. That interest continues today, and scientists are making new discoveries at an astounding rate. Ancient lake beds on Mars, robotic spacecraft missions, and new definitions of planets now dominate the news. How can you take it all in? Start with the new Encyclopedia of the Solar System, Second Edition.

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Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics

This book provides a comprehensive overview of modern particle physics accessible to anyone with a true passion for wanting to know how the universe works. We are introduced to the known particles of the world we live in. An elegant explanation of quantum mechanics and relativity paves the way for an understanding of the laws that govern particle physics. These laws are put into action in the world of accelerators, colliders and detectors found at institutions such as CERN and Fermilab that are in the forefront of technical innovation. Real world and theory meet using Feynman diagrams to solve the problems of infinities and deduce the need for the Higgs boson.
Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics offers an incredible insight from an eyewitness and participant in some of the greatest discoveries in 20th century science. From Einstein's theory of relativity to the elusive Higgs particle, this book will fascinate and educate anyone interested in the world of quarks, leptons and gauge theories.

Dr. Nikola Tesla: Complete Patents

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Nikola Tesla eBooks Collection

Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 - 7 January 1943) was a world-renowned inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. He was born an ethnic Serb citizen of the Austrian Empire and later became an American citizen. Tesla is best known for his revolutionary work in, and numerous contributions to, the discipline of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th century. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including the polyphase power distribution systems and the AC motor, with which he helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.



Nicola Tesla Said (compiled by John Ratzlaff)

This is John T. Ratzlaff's amazing book Tesla Said (1984) which is the most comprehensive single volume of Nikola Tesla's writings presently available. A period of over a quarter of a century has elapsed in gathering this material from every known source, in addition to searching archival material from the decades around the turn of the century. Mr. Tesla speaks for himself and the reader is enabled to make first hand judgments rather than relying on the opinions of others. The subject matter is arranged in chronological order and includes a wide range of interesting and important information not previously published in book form. 300 pages, many pictures. A must read for everyone.

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Nuclear Energy in the 21st Century: World Nuclear University Press

The onset of the 21st century has coincided with mounting scientific evidence of the severe environmental impact of global energy consumption. In response, governments and environmentalists on every continent have begun to re-evaluate the benefits of nuclear power as a clean, non-emitting energy resource. Today nuclear power plants operate in some 30 countries, and nuclear energy has become a safe and reliable source of one-sixth of the worlds electricity. This base has the potential to be expanded widely as part of a worldwide clean-energy revolution.


An Introduction to Nuclear Physics

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Direct Nuclear Reactions

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Particle Accelerator Physics

Particle Accelerator Physics is an in-depth and comprehensive introduction to the field of high-energy particle acceleration and beam dynamics.
Part I gathers the basic tools, recalling the essentials of electrostatics and electrodynamics as well as of particle dynamics in electromagnetic fields.
Part II is an extensive primer in beam dynamics, followed in Part III by the introduction and description of the main beam parameters. Part IV is devoted to the treatment of perturbations in beam dynamics. Part V discusses the details of charged particle acceleration. Part VI and Part VII introduce the more advanced topics of coupled beam dynamics and the description of very intense beams. Part VIII is an exhaustive treatment of radiation from accelerated charges and introduces important sources of coherent radiation such as synchrotrons and free-electron lasers. Part IX collects the appendices gathering useful mathematical and physical formulae, parameters and units. Solutions to many end-of-chapter problems are given.
This textbook is suitable for an intensive two-semester course starting at the advanced undergraduate level.

The Quantum Revolution: A Historical Perspective

Quantum mechanics is one of the great success stories of modern physics, making sense of the very small just as Einstein’s theory of relativity made sense of the very large. But, for most students, the ideas that make quantum mechanics powerful can be confusing and counterintuitive. This volume in the Greenwood Guides to Great Ideas in Science series provides a history of quantum mechanics from the early breakthroughs of Planck and Einstein, at the beginning of the 20th century, to the present frontiers of quantum computing and quantum gravity. The approach is entirely non-technical, and is aimed at the general reader who may not have much mathematical background but who has a strong curiosity about some of the most important developments in modern science. Quantum Mechanics: A Historical Perspective traces the history of this powerful theory, including: BLThe early discoveries by Max Planck and Albert Einstein regarding the quantization of radiation BLThe “early quantum theory,” including Neils Bohr’s theory of the atom BLThe birth of modern quantum mechanics through the work of Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Born, Dirac and others BLApplications of quantum mechanics in chemistry, nuclear physics, electronics, and many other areas BLRecent work in quantum computation and quantum information theory The book emphasizes the fact that despite the great success of quantum mechanics, many exciting intellectual frontiers remain open for further researchers to explore. It includes a glossary, a timeline, and a bibliography of accessible resources for further research.

Problems of Condensed Matter Physics: Quantum coherence phenomena in electron-hole and coupled matter-light systems

This book is dedicated to Professor Leonid V Keldysh. His brilliant contributions to condensed matter physics include the Franz-Keldysh effect, an electron-hole liquid, the nonequilibrium (Keldysh) diagram technique, Bose-Einstein condensation (of excitons) and a “metal-dielectric” transition, acoustically-induced superlattices, multi-photon transitions and impact ionization in solids. In many respects, his work influenced and formed the paradigm of modern condensed matter physics. As a result, many famous researchers in the field have enthusiastically provided unique contributions to the book.

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Physics and Properties of Narrow Gap Semiconductors

Narrow gap semiconductors obey the general rules of semiconductor science, but often exhibit extreme features within these rules because of those properties that produce their narrow gaps. Consequently these materials provide sensitive tests of theory, and the opportunity for the design of innovative devices. Narrow gap semiconductors are the most important materials for the preparation of advanced modern infrared systems.
Physics and Properties of Narrow Gap Semiconductors offers clear descriptions of crystal growth, material science, and device physics of these unique materials. Topics covered include energy band structures, optical and transport properties, phonons, impurities and defects, recombination, and surface and interface properties. A thorough treatment of the properties of low-dimensional systems and their relation to infrared applications is given. In addition to covering the technology of photoconductive detectors, photovoltaic detectors, metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, quantum well infrared photodetectors, infrared lasers, and single photon detectors, this book will help readers understand semiconductor physics and related areas of materials science and how they relate to advanced opto-electronic devices.

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Semiconductor Device Physics and Design

Semiconductor Device Physics and Design provides a fresh and unique teaching tool. Over the last decade device performances are driven by new materials, scaling, heterostructures and new device concepts. Semiconductor devices have mostly relied on Si but increasingly GaAs, InGaAs and heterostructures made from Si/SiGe, GaAs/AlGaAs etc have become important. Over the last few years one of the most exciting new entries has been the nitride based heterostructures. New physics based on polar charges and polar interfaces has become important as a result of the nitrides. Nitride based devices are now used for high power applications and in lighting and display applications. For students to be able to participate in this exciting arena, a lot of physics, device concepts, heterostructure concepts and materials properties need to be understood. It is important to have a textbook that teaches students and practicing engineers about all these areas in a coherent manner.
Semiconductor Device Physics and Design starts out with basic physics concepts including the physics behind polar heterostructures and strained heterostructures. Important devices ranging from p-n diodes to bipolar and field effect devices is then discussed. An important distinction users will find in this book is the discussion presented on device needs from the perspective of various technologies. For example, how much gain is needed in a transistor, how much power, what kind of device characteristics are needed. Not surprisingly the needs depend upon applications. The needs of an A/D or D/A converter will be different from that of an amplifier in a cell phone. Similarly the diodes used in a laptop will place different requirements on the device engineer than diodes used in a mixer circuit. By relating device design to device performance and then relating device needs to system use the student can see how device design works in real world.
This book is comprehensive without being overwhelming. The focus was to make this a useful text book so that the information contained is cohesive without including all aspects of device physics. The lesson plans demonstrated how this book could be used in a 1 semester or 2 quarter sequence.

Biogas from Waste and Renewable Resources: An Introduction

Written as a practical introduction to biogas plant design and operation, this book fills a huge gap by presenting a systematic guide to this emerging technology — information otherwise only available in poorly intelligible reports by US governmental and other official agencies. The author draws on teaching material from a university course as well as a wide variety of industrial biogas projects he has been involved with, thus combining didactical skill with real-life examples. Alongside biological and technical aspects of biogas generation, this timely work also looks at safety and legal aspects as well as environmental considerations.

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Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection

Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection offers professionals and advanced students a comprehensive coverage of the major concepts that underlie the origins and transport of ionizing radiation in matter. Understanding atomic structure and the physical mechanisms of radiation interactions is the foundation on which much of the current practice of radiological health protection is based. The work covers the detection and measurement of radiation and the statistical interpretation of the data. The procedures that are used to protect man and the environment from the potential harmful effects of radiation are thoroughly described. Basic principles are illustrated with an abundance of worked examples that exemplify practical applications. Chapters include problem sets (with partial answers) and extensive tables and graphs for continued use as a reference work. This completely revised and enlarged third edition includes thorough updates of the material, including the latest recommendations of the ICRP and NCRP.