The Nuclear Imperative: A Critical Look at the Approaching Energy Crisis
In light of the crucial energy issues facing all Inations, nuclear physicistJeff Eerkens decided the world needed a wakeup call, and he delivers one in his new book, "The Nuclear Imperative: A Critical Look at the Approaching Energy Crisis." Eerkens, a research professor at the University of Missouri Nuclear Science and Engineering Institute, addresses growing concerns over oil dependence and climate change. Recognizing that carbon dioxide emissions from coal plants contribute to global warming, he concludes that nuclear power is the only clean source of energy that can meet burgeoning energy demands. The book scientifically discredits both the longstanding public phobia of nuclear power and the belief that alternate sources of energy—such as solar, wind and biomass power—can produce the necessary quantities of energy to supply current use.In light of the significant amount of time required to bring new nuclear reactors on line, Eerkens urges immediate action to avoid an impending energy crisis.